Keywords: Old Irish poetry, druids, filids, bards, poetry recipient, prophetic ritual


The purpose of the study is to consider the structure of Old Irish poetry by the example of several principles of its division: by time, the function of the poet and the addressee of the poetic message.

The main research materials used are Old Irish sagas, which contain poetic elements, as well as foreign and Russian research in the field of Celtology, affecting the development of Old Irish poetry.

The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the relationship of druids, filids and bards in Old Irish poetry is not clearly established and is the subject of scientific discussion and many interpretations.

The methodology of the research consists in using the method of comparative analysis of Old Irish poetry, during which the change of influence of poetic groups (druids, filids and bards) is considered. Understanding this shift is also impossible without analyzing the historical and cultural context (the Christianization of Ireland, Viking raids, the weakening of the monastic way of life and other social and cultural aspects).

As a result of the conducted research, it was found that along with the change in influence, the recipient of the poetic text also changes: from appeals to the higher powers of the druids – to the visionary rituals of the filids – and further to a wider audience of bards.

The results of the research allow us to take a broader look at the problem of the formation of Old Irish poetry not only in literary terms, but also from the point of view of cultural development.


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Author Biography

Daria A. Ilgova, Researcher

PhD in Cultural Studies, Independent Researcher


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How to Cite
Ilgova, D. (2023). THE OLD IRISH POET: MAGICIAN, SEER OR STORYTELLER. Russian Studies in Culture and Society, 7(3), 19-34.
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