Keywords: screen, screen culture, simulation, simulacrum, fake, screen man, homo screen


Purpose. The article is devoted to the analysis of the screen as a special socio-cultural phenomenon that produces simulacra and fakes in modern culture. The peculiarity lies in the fact that continuous reproduction of screen technologies is supported through simulations. At the same time, screen technologies are defined as the leading factor of modern socio-cultural changes affecting the consciousness and behavior of the subject of culture – a person. His dependence on the screen is being formed, and today we can talk about the emergence of a philosophical and anthropological type of “screen man”.

Methodology. To consider the problem, the author turns to the socio-philosophical and anthropological analysis of the role of the screen in modern culture. The article uses comparative analysis, historical-philosophical and anthropological methods.

Results. The results of the study are that the author explicates the essence of Hobbes’ maxim that man can fully know only what he himself can do. As such an artifact in the philosophy of T. Hobbes is the body, and the social-political body, established by the man himself. The author supposes that the modern European project “social physics” can be considered a prototype of active theoretical-epistemic model describing social reality.

Practical implications. This allows, from the author’s point of view, to consider the role of the screen and the digital effects produced by it in modern culture, as well as to develop an integrative approach to understanding screen culture as a whole.


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Author Biography

Sergey L. Grigoryev, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy


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How to Cite
Grigoryev, S. (2022). THE SCREEN IS LIKE A GENERATOR OF SIMULACRA AND FAKES. Russian Studies in Culture and Society, 6(1), 19-33.
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